Open Clinical Trials
Below you can find information about clinical trials currently open at our three sites:
- Cork University Hospital (CUH)
- Bon Secours Hospital Cork (BSH)
- University Hospital Waterford (UHW)
If you have questions or queries, please contact the relevant research nurse assigned to each site
Open Clinical Trials
If you are interested in taking part in a trial, we strongly encourage you to discuss it with your consulting medical team.
Information Last Updated: 28th February 2025
Key Terms
Adjuvant treatment: Adjuvant treatment refers to additional therapy administered following the primary treatment to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
Placebo: A placebo is an inert substance or treatment given to individuals in a clinical study to assess the true effects of a specific treatment. It serves as a control to differentiate between the effects of the active treatment and the psychological response of the participants.
Maintenance therapy: Maintenance therapy involves continued treatment after the initial therapy, often at lower doses, to sustain the response achieved and prevent disease progression or recurrence.
Relapse: Relapse is the return of signs and symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement or remission.
Proteomics: Refers to the study of proteins in the body.
Microbiome: The microbiome refers to all the tiny living organisms, like bacteria, viruses, and fungi, that live in and on our bodies. These microorganisms play a big role in keeping us healthy by helping with digestion, protecting against harmful germs, and even influencing our mood and immune system.
Menopause: Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. It usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier.
A Window-of-Opportunity Trial: A window-of-opportunity study is a type of clinical research done over a short period of time, usually between the time of diagnosis and the surgery.
If you have questions or queries, please contact the relevant research nurse assigned to each site.
Bons Secours Hospital
Lisa Stacklmstack@bonsecours.ie
Cork University Hospital
Debra O’Hare debrad.ohare@hse.ie
Waterford University Hospital
Flordeliza Calacsan flordeliza.calacsan@hse.ie
Contact Sites
Bons Secours Hospital
Lisa Stack lmstack@bonsecours.ie
021 4542807 ext: 2663
Oncology Clinical Trials Department, Bon Secours Hospital, College Rd, Cork
Cork University Hospital
Debra O’Hare debrad.ohare@hse.ie
021 4234816
Cancer Trials Unit-Glandore Dept, Cork University Hospital Wilton, Cork
Waterford University Hospital
Flordeliza Calacsan flordeliza.calacsan@hse.ie
Lauren Clarke lauren.clarke@hse.ie
Dunmore Road, Waterford City

Where can I find the trials available in Ireland?
Cancer Trials Ireland provides further information about ongoing trials in Ireland.

Thinking of taking part in a clinical trial?
See if you are eligible for a trial, and consider the pros and cons of participating.