Education & Training

A woman reading a book in a library

We promote excellence in patient-focused research and provide training, mentoring and professional development opportunities for all our members. Our aim is to offer well-rounded training to equip cancer researchers with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to conduct innovative and impactful research in the field. Educational opportunities include courses in Clinical Research, Good Clinical Practice, Research Conduct, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI), and much more. Our innovative fellowship programme trains the next generation of cancer researchers, and we plan to develop our portfolio of fellowship opportunities over the coming years.

Breakthrough Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship Programme

This is a highly prestigious 2-year training opportunity offered biennially to a medical graduate dedicated to a career in the field of oncology, haematology or a related discipline. It is fully funded by Breakthrough Cancer Research and provides a structured certifiable educational experience supported by clinical and translational research mentors in the UCC Cancer Trials Group. The two-year timeframe optimises the training experience, allowing the Fellow to bring concepts from inception to completion, experiencing the full spectrum of clinical/translational research all the way to presentation and publication.

Dr. Maeve Hennessy

Dr. Maeve Hennessy was selected as recipient of the inaugural Breakthrough Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship in 2022. Dr Hennessy’s research focuses on identifying the biological characteristics that predict a woman’s response to breast cancer therapy. Her work will contribute to the personalisation of treatment for early stage breast cancer.

Find out more

Medical graduates in any discipline are now invited to apply for the Breakthrough Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship 2024. Suitable candidates should submit an up-to-date CV and one page statement of interest by email to uccctg@ucc.ieApplications close at 5pm on 18th October 2023 and interviews will be held on Friday 3rd November pending finalisation.

Lunch & Learn in Cancer Trials Cork at CUH

The Lunch and Learn initiative launched at the end of 2022 is a programme aimed at improving engagement and learning for staff. This initiative involves regular lunchtime sessions where staff members can come together to learn about new developments in their field, share best practices, and engage with each other in a collaborative environment. Experts from the field lead the sessions, including researchers, physicians, and other healthcare professionals who share their insights and expertise with the staff. The topics covered are broad, including the latest advancements in cancer research, new treatments and therapies, and best practices for patient care.

The initiative has been a success, providing staff members with an opportunity to enhance their skills, stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field, and share knowledge with their peers. This has ultimately led to an improved quality of care for patients and a more engaged and knowledgeable team.

Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) Training

UCC Cancer Trials Group has a strong focus on embedding PPI in all research activities, ensuring our home-grown clinical trials (investigator-initiated trials) truly have the patient and their wishes at the centre of their design.

In collaboration with PPI Ignite Network @UCC, the Irish Cancer Society, Breakthrough Cancer Research and Arc House, we are working to establish a collaborative network to facilitate training opportunities for our all UCC CTG members and our PPI Panel members. Completion of a Digital Badge in Public and Patient Involvement in Research is mandatory for all UCC CTG researchers who request PPI support for their studies, while relevant training is also given to members of the public who join our PPI panel.

If you are interested in getting involved in our PPI panel, please email us at

UCC Cancer

Seminar Series

This monthly virtual lecture series established by UCC and the cancer delivery team within the South/Southwest Hospital Group (SSWHG) recognises our region’s major expansion in clinical care and cancer research over the last decade.

It is a forum for knowledge exchange and discussion between our clinical oncology teams across the SSWHG, our cancer researchers across UCC and its Institutes, and national and international cancer experts.

UCC Cancer Seminar Series is open to all UCC CTG members and is accredited for CPD through the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (RCPI). 

People at a seminar

Academic Support Services

Our academic support staff work with our researchers to support development of home-grown clinical trials with the patient at the core of their design.

A persons hands